Monday, November 23, 2015

Home remedies for diabetes

      Hi there, I want to share this home remedy I've been using. Its called "Cinnamon". I do have type 2 diabetes myself. I'm always looking for a way to control my diabetes. I found that cinnamon can help, control blood sugar, reduce bad cholesterol, reduce arthritis pain and many more. The way I use it is. I make a 8oz cup of hot water. I add my cinnamon. Let it cool down. It has to be lukewarm before you add honey. Then I  drink half cup before I go to bed. Then I refrigerate the other half of cup of cinnamon for the morning. I drink that half of cup in the morning 30 minutes before I eat breakfast.
If you're not a big on cinnamon you can add raw honey. But only if you got your sugars in control.

8oz -hot water
make sure it's a lukewarm before you add the honey
1/2 - teaspoon of cinnamon
Optional raw honey 1/2  teaspoon

1 comment:

  1. Looks good I wonder if my kids would drink this with me it's a must try.
